NTI Program Guidance Documents
The following non-traditional instruction (NTI) program guidance includes information and essential questions concerning the assigning and reporting of grades, instruction and professional learning that can guide thinking as districts leaders, administrators and teachers address the needs of students.
Considerations for Instruction
Considerations for Professional Learning
Webcast Series to Help Educators Prepare to Address Academic Gaps When Schools Restart
The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) offered guidance through a series of webcasts on next steps for how educators can plan and prepare for addressing knowledge gaps due to extended remote learning as a result of the COVID-19 emergency.
Each different part outlined in the COVID-19 Considerations for Reopening Schools Academic Re-entry, Stage One: Drafting an Adjusted Curriculum document is discussed in a webcast.
- Part 1: Original Air Date April 29, 2020
- Part 2: Original Air Date May 6, 2020
- Part 3: Original Air Date May 13 at 2 p.m. ET
Professional Learning Bulletin Board
Along with the increase in online learning for students due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the need for online professional learning opportunities for educators has also increased. The Professional Learning Bulletin Board (PLBB) is a great resource for exploring options for professional learning. Currently, over 70 professional learning offerings are posted on the PLBB, including sessions for administrators, counselors, certified and classified staff. A wide variety of topics are available in both virtual and on-demand formats, many of which include EILA credit, and the site is regularly updated.
Replace In-Person Professional Learning with Kentucky Academic Standards Professional Learning Modules for Teachers
With in-person professional learning opportunities being canceled, schools and districts may be looking for alternatives.
KYstandards.org provides many professional learning modules that help build better understanding of the Kentucky Academic Standards. Modules can be facilitated in a virtual professional learning environment or teachers can work through modules on their own.
Visit the Professional Learning Modules webpage to check the modules out.
Helpful Tools for Evaluating Online Instructional Resources
Schools and districts are currently being provided increased access to digital resources. To ensure our students continue to have access to high-quality, standards-aligned instruction, schools and districts can use Instructional Resource Alignment Rubrics and Assignment Review Protocols to evaluate how well online instructional resources align to the Kentucky Academic Standards.
Instructional Resource Alignment Rubrics are meant to evaluate curriculum and are available for reading and writing, mathematics, social studies, science, health education and physical education, and visual and performing arts.
Assignment Review Protocols are meant to evaluate individual assignments and are available for reading and writing, mathematics and social studies. This video provides guidance for using the Assignment Review Protocol.
Standards Family Guides Help Families Understand Grade Level Content
Now is a great time for schools and districts to share the Standards Family Guides with families.
Here is a sample message you can use to share this resource with families:
Want to Learn More About Grade Level Expectations? Check out the Standards Family Guides!
The Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS) Family Guides were developed by the Kentucky Department of Education to help families familiarize themselves with the content of each grade level’s standards. Each grade level guide contains a standards overview for reading and writing, mathematics, science and social studies that includes suggestions for ways you can incorporate learning into your daily activities. Now more than ever, the Standards Family Guides are a great resource to help you meet your child’s learning needs!