General Resources
Spring 2024 HQIR Coordinator Convening
At the Spring 2024 HQIR Coordinator Convening the following topics were covered: Overview of the HQIR District Coordinator Hub, Introduction to the Science Instructional Resources Consumer Guide and an invitation to join the Reading and Writing Implementation Community of Practice.
HQIR Adoption Support Webinar
Per amendments to KRS 158.305 as part of Senate Bill 156 (2023), by July 1, 2024, “each superintendent … shall adopt a common comprehensive reading program that is determined by the department to be reliable, valid and aligned to reading and writing standards …for kindergarten through grade three (3) for all schools or a subset of schools, with consultation of all affected elementary school councils.”
To assist districts in effectively selecting an approved Tier 1 comprehensive reading program so that the resource adopted ultimately leads to high-quality instruction and improved student outcomes, the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) offered a one-hour High-Quality Adoption Support webinar on Monday, Nov. 20, a recording of which is now available along with the accompanying PowerPoint.
Instructional Resources
Alignment Rubrics
Instructional Resources
Consumer Guides
Additional Resources
Thank you for your interest in these resources!
Please email the standards team at standards@education.ky.gov with any feedback or questions.