Grade Level Sample Library
Developing clarity around the KAS for Mathematics is vital to ensuring all students have access to grade level content. The KDE has created annotated samples of the Assignment Review Protocol resource to provide a springboard for conversations at the local school/district level. As these samples are utilized, keep in mind the identified mathematical practices, coherence connections and clarifications are possible suggestions; however, they are not the only pathways.
Use this resource to support the implementation of existing High-Quality Instructional Resources (HQIRs) adopted by school districts as well as educators teaching in districts that have not yet adopted an HQIR in mathematics. The examples and instructional resources should not replace adopted HQIR but should serve to supplement instruction towards the full depth and complexity of the Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS) for Mathematics.
For more information regarding high-quality mathematics curricula, districts and school leaders may access the Mathematics Instructional Resources Consumer Guide, a tool for evaluating and selecting instructional resources for alignment to the KAS for Mathematics.
Sway Tutorial: Assignment Review Protocol
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