The Reading & Writing Student Assignment Library provides examples of student tasks that are weakly, partially and strongly aligned to standards. The assignments can be used with the Assignment Review Protocol to develop a better understanding of the tool and how it can be applied to a teacher’s own work.
Use this resource to support the implementation of existing High-Quality Instructional Resources (HQIRs) adopted by school districts as well as educators teaching in districts that have not yet adopted an HQIR in reading and writing. The weakly and partially aligned examples should serve to compare and consequently demonstrate the high quality found in HQIRs. Further, HQIRs compared to weakly and partially aligned examples can be used to better understand the intended depth and rigor of the Kentucky Academic Standards.
Engaging in the comparisons of weakly, partially, and strongly aligned assignments will still be beneficial as you and your PLC internalize lessons.
Thank you for your interest in these resources!
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