Resource Spotlight

Resource Spotlight! Support HQIR Implementation with the Lesson Internalization Protocol 

The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) Office of Teaching and Learning developed the Curriculum-Based Professional Learning Guidance Documentto support districts in effective implementation of a strong local curriculum anchored in high-quality instructional resources (HQIRs). The guidance document includes multiple tools to help ensure maximum impact of the district-adopted HQIRs on the student experience and outcomes.  

One foundational tool that supports intellectual preparation is the lesson internalization protocol. Lesson internalization guides teachers in preparing to teach key lessons within the learning and assessment progressions of a unit/module from a HQIR and supports:   

  • Understanding how a lesson fits into the overall arc of the unit, including the learning progression of its standards and their associated knowledge, understandings and skills;  
  • Understanding how students will demonstrate the specific learning called for by the lesson using the targeted knowledge, understandings, skills, strategies and language;  
  • Identifying lesson-level connections to the unit’s big ideas and essential questions;  
  • Understanding the key instructional practices, routines and means of engagement used in the lesson to support student learning;  
  • Identifying complex features of text(s) and task(s) included in the lesson and how students will engage with them; and    
  • Identifying areas of the lesson where student readiness levels might require appropriate scaffolding and support (in Tier 1 and Tier 2), as well as possible enrichment and/or extension.  

To better understand the role of lesson internalization as a part of intellectual preparation within professional learning communities (PLCs), please reference the Intellectual Preparation Guidance.  

Find content-specific versions of the lesson internalization protocols linked below: