Web Application Administrator Point of Contact for Visual and Performing Arts Education Leaders Now Available
A new web application administrator point of contact (WAAPOC) for Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) Education Leaders is now available.
With the recent adoption of the revised Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS) for Visual and Performing Arts, this WAAPOC is intended as a channel for communication and dissemination of information concerning matters important to the work and responsibilities of VPA education leaders. This role is open to identified district arts leaders and/or assigned school-level arts leaders who undertake the relevant arts leadership responsibilities on an ongoing or interim basis.
Please work with your local WAAPOC to have the appropriate personnel assigned to the new VPA Education Leader role through the Web Security Administrator (WSA) application (sometimes called Person Role Manager (PRM)). To make changes, the WAAPOC will need to log into the Web Application tool and select the Web Security Administrator – WSA (or PRM) link. District WAAPOCs are listed in the Open House School and District directory.
Please Note: Changes made in WSA (PRM) will update within Open House immediately, which allows for appropriate designations to be checked.
We look forward to sharing new resources and information pertaining to VPA through this mode of communication. Please contact KDEArts@education.ky.gov with any questions.