Register Now for the 2025 March Leadership Meetings
In order to provide vibrant learning environments for all students, it is important for schools and districts to translate the Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS) into a guaranteed and viable curriculum. The regional educational cooperatives, in partnership with the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE), will host in-person meetings in March for district and school leaders to explore new resources available to support effective implementation of a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) with emphasis on Tier 1 curriculum anchored in a high-quality instructional resource (HQIR).
The purpose of the meeting is to provide updates on the following:
- Academic Standards Review Process
- Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS) for Reading and Writing, Social Studies and Mathematics
- New KAS for Visual and Performing Arts Resources
- TNTP Opportunity Makers Report (2024)
- KDE Resources to Support MTSS and Trajectory-Changing Practices
- Intellectual Preparation Guidance Document
- Instructional Practice Guides
- Integrating Deeper Learning and HQIR to Strengthen Tier 1 Instruction Modules
Dates and Locations
Click on the date to learn more and register for the live, in-person full day session of your choice.
Participants will need to bring a personal device to access documents from the digital meeting folder.