KAS for Social Studies

  • High School Economics Webinar: What do the Kentucky Academics Standards (KAS) for Social Studies look like in practice?

High School Economics Webinar: What do the Kentucky Academics Standards (KAS) for Social Studies look like in practice?

2025-01-28T08:51:50-05:00January 28th, 2025|Categories: Standards Newsletter|Tags: , |

High School Economics Webinar: What do the Kentucky Academics Standards (KAS) for Social Studies look like in practice? The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) has partnered with the St. Louis Federal Reserve to showcase what a social studies learning experience aligned to the KAS for Social Studies looks like in [...]

  • Vibrant Learning Experiences in Science and Social Studies

Vibrant Learning Experiences in Science and Social Studies: NEW Professional Learning Module Series is now available!

2025-01-10T14:46:06-05:00January 10th, 2025|Categories: Standards Newsletter|Tags: , , , |

Vibrant Learning Experiences in Science and Social Studies: NEW Professional Learning Module Series is now available! Many teachers are already using knowledge-building, high-quality instructional resources (HQIRs) for reading and writing instruction. While knowledge-building resources may provide texts related to science and social studies topics, this is [...]

  • Grade 8 History Webinar: What do the Kentucky Academics Standards (KAS) for Social Studies look like in practice?

Grade 8 History Webinar: What do the Kentucky Academics Standards (KAS) for Social Studies look like in practice?

2024-12-18T12:47:51-05:00December 12th, 2024|Categories: Standards Newsletter|Tags: , |

Grade 8 History Webinar: What do the Kentucky Academics Standards (KAS) for Social Studies look like in practice? The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) has partnered with the Bill of Rights Institute to showcase what a social studies learning experience aligned to the KAS for Social Studies looks like in [...]

  • Resource Spotlight

Content Area Implementation Guides

2024-12-18T12:56:22-05:00October 17th, 2024|Categories: Standards Newsletter|Tags: , , , , |

Content Area Implementation Guides The purpose of the standards implementation guides is to help schools and districts identify resources available from the Kentucky Department of Education to support standards implementation. Schools and districts may be in various stages of the standards implementation process and the standards implementation guides provide a list of resources by the [...]

Elementary Webinar Series: What do the Kentucky Academics Standards (KAS) for Social Studies look like in practice?

2024-12-18T13:06:37-05:00September 30th, 2024|Categories: Standards Newsletter|Tags: , |

Elementary Webinar Series: What do the Kentucky Academics Standards (KAS) for Social Studies look like in practice? The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) has partnered with several organizations to showcase what a social studies learning experience aligned to the KAS for Social Studies looks like in practice. This [...]

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