Tabor Placido

About Tabor Placido

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So far Tabor Placido has created 46 blog entries.
  • Developing Skilled Middle & High School Readers Thumbnail

Developing Skilled Middle and High School Readers Webinar Series Session 6 Materials and Recording Available Now

2025-02-14T08:48:24-05:00February 14th, 2025|Categories: Standards Newsletter|Tags: , |

Developing Skilled Middle and High School Readers Webinar Series Session 6 Materials and Recording Available Now As early literacy instruction in Kentucky continues to transform with structured literacy practices, Kentucky Reading Academies’ LETRS professional learning, and the Read to Succeed Act (SB 9, 2022), the Developing Skilled Middle and High [...]

  • Feedback Sought on Draft Kentucky Academic Standards for Reading and Writing

Feedback Sought on Draft Kentucky Academic Standards for Reading and Writing

2025-02-10T10:37:09-05:00February 10th, 2025|Categories: Standards Newsletter|Tags: , |

Feedback Sought on Draft Kentucky Academic Standards for Reading and Writing The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) is seeking feedback on the draft Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS) for Reading and Writing.  KRS 158.6453 calls for KDE to implement a process for reviewing all academic standards beginning with the [...]

  • Numeracy Counts Academies Information Session

Kentucky Numeracy Counts Academies Informational Webinars

2025-02-18T08:21:30-05:00February 10th, 2025|Categories: Standards Newsletter|Tags: , |

Kentucky Numeracy Counts Academies Informational Webinars The Kentucky Center for Mathematics (KCM) and the Partnership Institute for Math and Science Education Reform (PIMSER) are hosting February informational sessions to learn more about the Kentucky Numeracy Counts K-5 Teacher and Administrator Academies, funded by Kentucky Numeracy Counts.   Join [...]

  • FREE Interactive Virtual Webinar: Introducing The Kentucky Atlas of Phenomena

Join Us for a FREE Interactive Virtual Webinar: Introducing The Kentucky Atlas of Phenomena!

2025-02-10T10:16:10-05:00February 10th, 2025|Categories: Standards Newsletter|Tags: , |

Join Us for a FREE Interactive Virtual Webinar: Introducing The Kentucky Atlas of Phenomena! The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) science program consultants invite you to participate in a virtual webinar showcasing an exciting new resource: The Kentucky Atlas of Phenomena (KAP). This resource was designed by [...]

  • Feedback Sought on Draft Kentucky Academic Standards for Health Education and Physical Education

Feedback Sought on Draft Kentucky Academic Standards for Health Education and Physical Education

2025-02-03T09:34:11-05:00February 3rd, 2025|Categories: Standards Newsletter|Tags: , |

Feedback Sought on Draft Kentucky Academic Standards for Health Education and Physical Education The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) is seeking feedback on the draft Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS) for Health Education and the draft KAS for Physical Education. The drafts were developed by the Advisory [...]

Register Now for the 2025 March Leadership Meetings

2025-02-03T09:26:57-05:00February 3rd, 2025|Categories: Standards Newsletter|Tags: , |

Register Now for the 2025 March Leadership Meetings In order to provide vibrant learning environments for all students, it is important for schools and districts to translate the Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS) into a guaranteed and viable curriculum. The regional educational cooperatives, in partnership with the [...]

  • Teacher with group of students in small group

District Spotlight: Powell County Transforms the Teacher Experience with High-Quality Instructional Resources

2025-01-28T09:07:34-05:00January 28th, 2025|Categories: Standards Newsletter|Tags: , |

District Spotlight: Powell County Transforms the Teacher Experience with High-Quality Instructional Resources When Powell County Schools embarked on the journey to adopt a high-quality instructional resource (HQIR) for mathematics, the district’s leadership aimed to address long-standing challenges faced by teachers. Over the years, educators had been [...]

  • High School Economics Webinar: What do the Kentucky Academics Standards (KAS) for Social Studies look like in practice?

High School Economics Webinar: What do the Kentucky Academics Standards (KAS) for Social Studies look like in practice?

2025-01-28T08:51:50-05:00January 28th, 2025|Categories: Standards Newsletter|Tags: , |

High School Economics Webinar: What do the Kentucky Academics Standards (KAS) for Social Studies look like in practice? The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) has partnered with the St. Louis Federal Reserve to showcase what a social studies learning experience aligned to the KAS for Social Studies looks like in [...]

  • Developing Skilled Middle & High School Readers Thumbnail

Developing Skilled Middle and High School Readers Webinar Series Session 5 Materials and Recording Available Now

2025-01-20T09:35:41-05:00January 20th, 2025|Categories: Standards Newsletter|Tags: , |

Developing Skilled Middle and High School Readers Webinar Series Session 5 Materials and Recording Available Now As early literacy instruction in Kentucky continues to transform with structured literacy practices, Kentucky Reading Academies’ LETRS professional learning, and the Read to Succeed Act (SB 9, 2022), the Developing Skilled Middle and High [...]

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