Standards Newsletter

The Standards Newsletter is a weekly resource tailored specifically for K-12 educators in Kentucky. Delivered straight to your inbox, it provides the latest updates on educational standards, valuable teaching resources, and professional learning opportunities.

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  • Day of Science Learning for Community Based Educators

Day of Science Learning for Community Based Educators

Day of Science Learning for Community Based Educators Are you an individual or part of an organization, outside the formal school system, who provides educational experiences that support and enhance student learning of the Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS) for Science, often focusing on real-world applications? Do [...]

November 12th, 2024|Categories: Standards Newsletter|Tags: , |
  • Call for Early Literacy and Numeracy Assessment Submissions

Call for Early Literacy and Numeracy Screening and Diagnostic Assessment Submissions 

Call for Early Literacy and Numeracy Screening and Diagnostic Assessment Submissions   The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) has engaged in a comprehensive process to identify valid and reliable universal screeners and diagnostic assessments for reading and numeracy as required by KRS 158:305 and KRS 158.8402. New [...]

  • Feedback Sought on Kentucky Reading and Writing Standards

Feedback Sought on Kentucky Reading and Writing Standards 

Feedback Sought on Kentucky Reading and Writing Standards   The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) is seeking feedback on the Kentucky Academic Standards for Reading and Writing.   KRS 158.6453 calls for KDE to implement a process for reviewing all academic standards and aligned assessments beginning with the [...]

November 1st, 2024|Categories: Standards Newsletter|Tags: , |
  • Revised Standards

Revised Kentucky Academic Standards for Visual and Performing Arts adopted into Law

Revised Kentucky Academic Standards for Visual and Performing Arts adopted into Law  After undergoing a rigorous revision process that began in the winter of 2021, the revised Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS) for Visual and Performing Arts have been adopted into law.  The process included revisions by [...]

November 1st, 2024|Categories: Standards Newsletter|Tags: |
  • Kentucky Comprehensive Literacy 2025 Grant

Kentucky Awarded the Federal Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant

Kentucky Awarded the Federal Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant On September 3, 2024, the United States Department of Education (USDE) awarded the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) a 5-year, $54,985,544.00, Comprehensive Literacy State Development (CLSD) grant to advance literacy skills, including pre-literacy skills, reading and writing, [...]

October 28th, 2024|Categories: Standards Newsletter|Tags: , , |
  • Applications Sought for Reading and Writing Standards and Assessment Review Committees

Applications Sought for Reading and Writing Standards and Assessment Review Committees 

Applications Sought for Reading and Writing Standards and Assessment Review Committees  The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) is accepting applications for the Reading and Writing Standards and Assessment Review Committee (RC) and Advisory Panels (AP).  KRS 158.6453 calls for the KDE to implement a process for reviewing [...]

October 18th, 2024|Categories: Standards Newsletter|Tags: |
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