The Standards Newsletter is a weekly resource tailored specifically for K-12 educators in Kentucky. Delivered straight to your inbox, it provides the latest updates on educational standards, valuable teaching resources, and professional learning opportunities.
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Integrating Deeper Learning and HQIR to Strengthen Tier 1 Instruction: Module 1 Now Available!
Integrating Deeper Learning and HQIR to Strengthen Tier 1 Instruction: Module 1 Now Available! The first big idea of United We Learn’s vision for the future of public education in Kentucky is “creating a more vibrant experience for every student.” How do educators provide vibrant student learning [...]
Frankfort High School’s Seal of Biliteracy: A Growing Program with Big Ambitions
Frankfort High School’s Seal of Biliteracy: A Growing Program with Big Ambitions At Frankfort High School, the Seal of Biliteracy program is thriving, thanks to supportive administration and a passionate educator at the helm. Led by Melony Martinez, a dedicated Spanish teacher and advocate for multilingual [...]
Developing Skilled Middle and High School Readers Webinar Series Session 3 Materials and Recording Available Now
Developing Skilled Middle and High School Readers Webinar Series Session 3 Materials and Recording Available Now As early literacy instruction in Kentucky continues to transform with structured literacy practices, Kentucky Reading Academies’ LETRS professional learning, and the Read to Succeed Act (SB 9, 2022), the Developing Skilled Middle and High [...]
Supporting Quarterly Step-backs for HQIR Implementation
Supporting Quarterly Step-backs for HQIR Implementation Quarterly step-backs are designed to support district and school leadership teams as they examine progress towards their high-quality instructional resource (HQIR) implementation goals, identify key successes, learn from and solve significant challenges and make adjustments for the next quarter. These [...]
Day of Science Learning for Community Based Educators
Day of Science Learning for Community Based Educators Are you an individual or part of an organization, outside the formal school system, who provides educational experiences that support and enhance student learning of the Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS) for Science, often focusing on real-world applications? Do [...]
Call for Early Literacy and Numeracy Screening and Diagnostic Assessment Submissions
Call for Early Literacy and Numeracy Screening and Diagnostic Assessment Submissions The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) has engaged in a comprehensive process to identify valid and reliable universal screeners and diagnostic assessments for reading and numeracy as required by KRS 158:305 and KRS 158.8402. New [...]