Kentucky Numeracy Counts K-3 HQIR Grant
The Kentucky Department of Education’s (KDE’s) Office of Teaching and Learning has issued a request for application (RFA) for the Kentucky Numeracy Counts K-3 HQIR grant.
Kentucky public school districts, along with the Kentucky School for the Blind and Kentucky School for the Deaf, are eligible to apply. Districts that have been previously awarded other KDE high-quality instructional resource (HQIR) grants for mathematics may apply for funds.
The RFA can be found on the Competitive Grants from KDE webpage.
As specified in KRS 158.843, the Kentucky Numeracy Counts Fund grant shall only be used to purchase approved high-quality research and evidence-based curriculum aligned to kindergarten through grade three (3) academic standards in mathematics and expenditures for curriculum-based professional learning to implement a new curriculum.
Per KRS 158.8402(5)(b), “Each superintendent or public charter school board of directors shall adopt an evidence-based curriculum along with high-quality instructional resources for mathematics that is determined by the department to be reliable, valid, and aligned to Kentucky academic standards for mathematics required by KRS 158.6453 for kindergarten through grade three (3).”
This grant opportunity will provide $70,000 for up to 40 districts to purchase mathematics HQIRs and/or support curriculum-based professional learning for grades K-3.
KDE hosted a technical assistance webinar on Jan. 16. The recording will be available on Competitive Grants from KDE webpage. The deadline to submit an application is March 6 at 4 p.m. ET.